Turner & George J0 Patties with *Demi-brioche buns and steak rub Olive oil Red onions finely sliced. Crumbled blue cheese
*For healthy fools (sometimes me but not today) use Portobello mushrooms - best to get the mushrooms in advance and air dry for a few days out of the fridge.
• Take the Patty out of the fridge two hours before cooking
• Heat the pan on high heat (this is super duper important)
• Pretend you're a spa and massage olive oil on Patty. Follow it up with a steak rub, so its lightly coated.
• For a medium patty, A cooked them 3 minutes on each side and got the middle to about 50º - for the superhardcore, here are some very specific instructions
• In a separate pan, panfry the onions until kind of caramelised.
• When Patty is done, put crumbled blue cheese and chuck in the oven to melt. Use the bottom shelf (while the asparagus is broiling)
• Finish the red onions in the pan used for Patty to soak up all that fatty patty goodness.
• All that heat action is hard work so Patty needs a 10 minute rest (this is also really important) • When everything is finished, grill the sliced buns faced side up for 40 seconds to get a bit of colour. • Assemble!
If you want a slightly healthier variation use Portobello buns instead of the brioche. We found the mushrooms a bit too juicy for a bun - I am keen to find a mushroom patty solution though, so that's something to look out for.
I used to think that 'broil' was a typo. I've since discovered that its an the grill setting on your oven.
• Set your oven to broil / 250º • Set the asparagus out in a row like obedient school kids - be careful not to overlap otherwise, it will steam rather than grill. • Tiny bit of olive oil, salt and pepper on the top. • Broil until brown (about 10 minutes in my oven)
> Half a red cabbage
> Half a savoy cabbage
> 2 carrots
> 1 fennel
> 1 apple 100 ml
> White wine or cider vinegar
> 50 ml of balsamic
> Olive oil Salt Pepper
The key to this slaw is the fine-ness of the cabbage. Unless you're knife skills are kill bill out of this world or you've got a lot of time, a Japanese mandolin is a must.
• finely slice the cabbage and the fennel.
• julienne the carrots and apple (I also really like my julienne peeler for this)
• Mix together in a bowl
• Mix the vinegar, salt & pepper and emulsify in a blender by adding the olive oil bit by bit. The consistency goes a bit creamy, which helps prevent the juices from running to the bottom of the bowl.
• Add to the vegetables until the dressing coats everything lightly. Be careful not to be overenthusiastic with the dressing as you want to retain the crunch of the veges.
• Leave this for at least 30 minutes. The cabbage will soften as the liquid is absorbed but it will retain the crunch.
• Enjoy with pickles!