‘Dolma’ in Turkish just means stuffed. The most well know type of dolma is the vine leaf kind (in Greek it's called Dolmades). This is a visual recipe for an aubergine and capsicum dolma..
Canned tomatoes
Red onion
Arborio (risotto) or sushi rice
Two cups of chicken or vege stock
STEP 1: Roll the aubergine on the table to loosen the pulp. Use a spoon or a knife to scoop out the pulp and set aside. Deseed the capsicum, keep the top as a lid.
STEP 2: Sautee the sliced onions and crushed garlic in some olive oil, when soft and the garlic has browned add the chopped aubergine pulp.
STEP 3: Add the rice, like you are making risotto. Mix for less than a minute and add the canned tomatoes. Simmer until the rice is 'al dente' - firm but not crunchy.
STEP 4: Scoop the cooled mixture into the hollowed out veges. Leave a bit of room at the top for the rice to expand. Put the vege tops on.
STEP 5: Put these into a covered pan with the stock and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Top up the stock as required. This is what it looks like when they are cooked.
Experiment a little! This is a guide to help with understanding the principles of dolma, once you get the hang of it, the list is endless! Other veges that work with dolmafication are: courgettes, pumpkin, tomatoes and leeks. Meat, mushrooms and cheese in the stuffing works well.
Serve with natural yoghurt and parsley. It's also delicious cold. I will usually make a batch on a Saturday - they get munched pretty quick but they will last in the fridge for a few days.